So, this year, I decided not to have a midterm. And instead, I went to the ward party, which was one of the best Halloween parties I have actually ever attended. The ward had rented this huge "barn" (actually a lodge) up in American Fork. My roommate, Elise, dressed as a witch, and allowed me to give her a nasty huge putty nose and warts, Rachel went as Paris Hilton, and Julie as a China doll. I had forgotten entirely to go to Savers and pick up some stuff for a costume, and having recently downsized my closet, I was hardpressed for anything at all that I could put together in 20 min. I reverted to the "old lady" costume I had done once in high school. Some wrinkles, a blacked-out tooth, and old lady clothes were a quick and easy solution.
After we were all ready, we drove up to American Fork. The barn/lodge was enormous, with two stories, the top balcony overlooking the lower floor. On the bottom floor were long tables filled with food--soup from the "soup contest," cake (because it was my bishop's birthday), vegetables, chili, and punch. We got our picture taken in Cinderella's carriage, and then heard that the hayride was departing, so we hopped on. The hayride went to a spook alley that had been set up by a family in a nearby neighborhood. This was, by far, the COOLEST spook alley/haunted house I have ever been in. My roommate, Rachel, clutched my hand all the way through, walking in front of me, and therefore doing all the screaming for me. By the time we got to the end, we were both quite shook up, but the candy bar given to us by the zombie at the end made it all worth it.
We headed back to the barn on the returning hayride, where we ate and chatted, went upstairs where a dance was going on, and then wandered outside where they had a big bonfire with marshmallow roasting and bobbing for apples. It was so much fun to see people in costume, completely unrecognizable, and wonder if I actually knew them in real life, since our ward is quite large and I am rarely able to attend activities. I made friends with a few people, whom I am sure I would not recognize today. I can just imagine it: "Hey, Kool Aid man! How's school going for you?" Assuming of course, that I recognized Kool Aid man at all in his jeans and Nike jacket.
The evening ended with a costume contest, the winners being Kool Aid man (of course), Jason Bourne, who came as himself (seriously, he looks exactly like him and his name is Jason), and Poison Ivy (from Batman). At about 11pm, we headed back home, a slight rain falling from the grey clouds that were now crawling creepily across the sky.
All in all, it was a great night, and a fa-"boo"-lous Halloween!
I must say I'm slightly jealous of your fun Halloween. Mine consisted of watching Hocus Pocus and stuffing myself with chocolate