Friday, March 19, 2010

Two Words

Today I got to thinking about the five or six Korean phrases I know well. And then I got to thinking that there is only one of those phrases that I have used five to ten times a day since I got here. No, it is not "anneyong haseyo" (hello). It is not "goodbye" or "I'm sorry." It is not "I'm lost."

The one phrase that has lived in my mouth since I arrived is "gamsa haminda"--"Thank you."

And in a world that is sometimes incomprehensible and frustrating because I cannot communicate--when I end up walking out of a store empty-handed because I do not know how to explain to the clerk that I need garbage bags--I find that the ability to express gratitude makes all the other communication barriers mere trivialities.

"Gamsa hamnida" and I bow my head, and they smile, and I realize how easy it is to make people feel valued. No speeches, no lavish gifts. You don't have to make them your best friend and confide your deepest secrets. They just want to be noticed. Acknowledged. Connected with for half a second, when you put life on pause to say, "I see you."

Two words is all it takes.


  1. Hi I'm Lauren. I'm your uncle Kert's granddaughter. I'm eleven years old. Your writing is very good. I think it is funny. You should think about becoming a writer. You would be great! Is learning a new language hard?

  2. Thank you, Lauren! I actually do want to be a writer. I am still learning, but I love to write. Learning a new language is very difficult, at least this language is. It is very different from English, so you have to learn a whole new way of thinking. But it is fun too. I like the challenge. :)

  3. "Gamsa hamnida" for taking the time to post. Even if we, your reading community, don't always take the time to let you know we ARE reading, know that we wait anxiously for the next installment!

  4. just like pres. monson said at conference ( : thanks.

  5. I absolutely love reading what you post, because you have such a powerful and expressive voice, and I truly feel connected to the emotions that you are putting into your words. :) Awesome! I'm jealous that you are in Korea!
